Thursday | 09.05.24

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Event for Kids


Dir.: Mascha Halberstad
| 77 minutes

When 9-year-old Babs receives a pig named Oink as a present from her grandfather, she convinces her parents to keep it under the condition that Oink follows a puppy training. But her parents are not the biggest threat...

Alon Gur Arye (in Heb.) about friendships in cinema. Hebrew dubbed version

My Neighbour Totoro

Dir.: Hayao Miyazaki
| 86 minutes

Satsuki and Mei move with their father to a new house, next to a big forest, to be near their hospitalized mother. Soon they discover that the place is populated by kind-hearted ghosts. A poetic film that manages delicately to cross the lines that separate between reality and dream to make for a heartwarming cinematic experience.